{% block stylesheets %}
{{ encore_entry_link_tags('popup') }}
{% endblock %}
{% if popup_data %}
{% set uid = "now"|date('Uv') %}
<div class="bb-popup bb-popup-dimmer" data-js-loading="{{uid}}">
<div class="ui container grid centered bb-popup-container slideDown">
<div data-js-popup="popup" data-js-popupinfo class=" bb-popup-content eleven wide mobile eight wide tablet five wide computer column ">
<div class="bb-popup-description ui grid">
<div class="bb-popup-description__image five wide mobile three wide tablet three wide computer column">
<img src="{{ base_url_img }}public/img/draw_warning.svg">
<div class="bb-popup-description__text twelve wide mobile eight wide tablet eight wide computer column">
<h4 class="bold-condensed">{{ popup_data.title is empty ? '' : popup_data.title }}</h4>
{% if popup_data.msg1 is defined and popup_data.msg1 is not empty %}
<p class="u-mgt--half u-mgb--half">{{popup_data.msg1 | raw}}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if popup_data.msg2 is defined and popup_data.msg2 is not empty %}
<p class="u-mgt--half u-mgb--half">{{popup_data.msg2 | raw}}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if popup_data.msg3 is defined and popup_data.msg3 is not empty %}
<p class="u-mgt--half u-mgb--half">{{popup_data.msg3 | raw}}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if popup_data.msg4 is defined and popup_data.msg4 is not empty %}
<p class="u-mgt--half u-mgb">{{popup_data.msg4 | raw}}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if popup_data.footer is defined and popup_data.footer is not empty %}
<p class="u-mgt--half u-mgb--half">{{popup_data.footer}}</p>
{% endif %}
<div class="bb-popup-description__button">
<button class="button button--primary button--big" onclick="$('[data-js-loading]').remove()" data-js-popup="close">{{ legacy_trans('Aceptar', 'popupInfo') }}</button>
<button title="Cerrar" class="button button--icon popup-close" data-js-popup="close" onclick="$('[data-js-loading]').remove()">
<svg role="img" class="icon icon--inline icon--xs">
<use xlink:href="{{ base_url }}public/img/icons/svg-defs.svg#icon-times"></use>
{% endif %}