templates/front/base/header/general/desktop/menu_pages.html.twig line 1

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  1. <div class="menu-pages dimmable">
  2.     {% for page in pages %}
  3.         {% if  page.item.parent == null and page.has_children is defined and page.has_children == true  %}
  4.             <div class="item ui menu-dropdown-primary menu-{{ page.item.id }} droppable" id="menu-{{ page.item.id }}" data-item="menu-{{ page.item.id }}">
  5.                 <p class="menu-dropdown-primary--title {% if parameters_menu.id and first_parent.parent_id is defined and page.item.id == first_parent.parent_id %}menu-dropdown-primary--title--active{% endif %} bold">
  6.                     <strong>{{ page.item.title |trans({}, 'landings') }}</strong>
  7.                     <i class="fa-solid fa-chevron-down fa-xs"></i>
  8.                 </p>
  9.                 <div class="ui menu-dropdown-secondary menu-dropdown-secondary--menu-{{ page.item.id }} ui grid">
  10.                     {% if page.has_children is defined and page.has_children == true %}
  11.                         {% for first_level_children in page.children %}
  12.                             {% if first_level_children.item.additional == false %}
  13.                                 <div class="menu-dropdown-secondary-item ui {{ first_level_children.item.colspan }} wide column">
  14.                                     <h4 class="menu-dropdown--title">{{ first_level_children.item.title |trans({}, 'landings') }}</h4>
  15.                                     <div class="menu-dropdown-secondary-item-container ui {{ first_level_children.item.numberColumns }} column grid">
  16.                                         {% if first_level_children.has_children is defined and first_level_children.has_children == true %}
  17.                                             {% for second_level_children in first_level_children.children %}
  18.                                                 {% if second_level_children.item.additional == false %}
  19.                                                     <div class="item column {{ second_level_children.item.colspan }} posthog-event" data-id="{{second_level_children.item.linkValue}}" data-isocode="{{app.session.get('lang')}}">
  20.                                                         <div class="title">
  21.                                                             <a {% if second_level_children.item.target %} target="{{second_level_children.item.target}}" {% endif %} href="{{ second_level_children.item.url }}">
  22.                                                                 <p class="bold">{{ second_level_children.item.title |trans({}, 'landings') }}</p>
  23.                                                             </a>
  24.                                                         </div>
  25.                                                         <div class="description--container">
  26.                                                             <div class="description">
  27.                                                                 <a {% if second_level_children.item.target %} target="{{second_level_children.item.target}}" {% endif %} href="{{ second_level_children.item.url }}">
  28.                                                                     <p class="small">{{ second_level_children.item.subtitle |trans({}, 'landings') }}</p>
  29.                                                                 </a>
  30.                                                             </div>
  31.                                                         </div>
  32.                                                     </div>
  33.                                                 {% endif %}
  34.                                             {% endfor %}
  35.                                         {% endif %}
  36.                                     </div>
  37.                                 </div>
  38.                                 <div class="one wide column"></div>
  39.                             {% endif %}
  40.                         {% endfor %}
  41.                     {% endif %}
  42.                     {% if page.has_children is defined and page.has_children == true and  page.item.additional == true %}
  43.                         <div class="menu-dropdown-secondary--footer">
  44.                             <div class="menu-dropdown-secondary--footer-content ui grid">
  45.                                 {% for first_level_children in page.children %}
  46.                                     {% if first_level_children.item.additional == true %}
  47.                                         <div class="menu-dropdown-secondary--footer-item ui two wide column">
  48.                                             <div class="footer-content">
  49.                                                 <div class="footer-text">
  50.                                                     <a {% if first_level_children.item.target %} target="{{first_level_children.item.target}}" {% endif %} href="{{ first_level_children.item.url }}">
  51.                                                         <p class="footer-title bold">{{ first_level_children.item.title |trans({}, 'landings')  }}</p>
  52.                                                         <p class="small footer-description">{{ first_level_children.item.subtitle |trans({}, 'landings') }}</p>
  53.                                                     </a>
  54.                                                 </div>
  55.                                                 <div class="footer-icon">
  56.                                                     <i class="fa-solid {{ first_level_children.item.icon }} fa-5x"></i>
  57.                                                 </div>
  58.                                             </div>
  59.                                         </div>
  60.                                     {% endif %}
  61.                                 {% endfor %}
  62.                             </div>
  63.                         </div>
  64.                     {% endif %}
  65.                 </div>
  66.             </div>
  67.         {% endif %}
  68.         {% if  page.item.parent == null and page.has_children is not defined %}
  69.             <div class="item ui menu-dropdown-primary menu-{{ page.item.id }} no-droppable posthog-event" id="menu-{{ page.item.id }}" data-item="menu-{{ page.item.id }}" data-id="{{ page.item.linkValue }}"  data-isocode="{{app.session.get('lang')}}">
  70.                 <a {% if page.item.target %} target="{{page.item.target}}" {% endif %} href="{{ page.item.url }}">
  71.                     <p class="menu-dropdown-primary--title bold">
  72.                         <strong>{{ page.item.title |trans({}, 'landings') }}</strong>
  73.                     </p>
  74.                 </a>
  75.             </div>
  76.         {% endif %}
  77.     {% endfor %}
  78. </div>