Default locale
Fallback locale
Defined 149
These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.
Locale | Domain | Times used | Message ID | Message Preview |
sk | messages | 2 | | Nový |
sk | messages | 10 | partial.filter.condition.refurbished | Repasovaný |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.show_other_products | Zobraziť ostatné výrobky z |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.hide_products | Skryť výrobky |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.products_in | výrobky v |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.order_by | Objednať do |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.top_selling | Najpredávanejšie |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.new_products | Nové výrobky |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.min_to_max | Od najlacnejších po najdrahšie |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.max_to_min | Od najdrahších po najlacnejšie |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.a_z | Abecedne od A-Z |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.z_a | Abecedne od Z-A |
sk | messages | 3 | category_list_content.yes | Áno |
sk | messages | 7 | category_list_content.filter | Vyfiltrovať |
sk | messages | 2 | category_list_content.price | Cena |
sk | messages | 2 | category_list_content.of | z |
sk | messages | 2 | | po |
sk | messages | 2 | category_list_content.stock | Skladom |
sk | messages | 3 | category_list_content.available | Dostupný |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.not_available | Nedostupné |
sk | messages | 2 | | Nie |
sk | messages | 2 | category_list_content.categories | Kategórie[fuzzy]Kategória |
sk | messages | 2 | category_list_content.condition | Condition |
sk | messages | 2 | | Video |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.with_video | s videom |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.without_video | bez videa |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.filters | Vaše filtre |
sk | messages | 1 | category_list_content.remove_filters | Odobrať filtre |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.title | Pridať do zoznamov |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.details | Vyberte variabilné výrobky a zoznamy, do ktorých ich chcete pridať. Môžete si tiež vytvoriť nový. |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.button_cancel | Zrušiť |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.button_save | Uložiť |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.create_list | Vytvoriť zoznam |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.name_list | Názov zoznamu |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.name_list_placeholder | Pridajte názov zoznamu |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.select_placeholder | Vyberte si: |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.required_field | Povinné políčko. |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.save_changes_ok | Zmeny boli úspešne uložené. |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.list_validation_name | Musíte zadať názov zoznamu. |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.list_validation_duplicated | Zoznam s týmto názvom už existuje. |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.list_validation_alphanumeric | Názov môže obsahovať iba písmená a čísla |
sk | messages | 1 | wishlist_popup.list_validation_max_list | Dosiahli ste maximálny limit pre zoznamy |
sk | messages | 1 | menu.base.shopb2b.title | B2B Katalóg |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.get_to_know_us | Poznaj nás |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.your_all-in-one_ecommerce_partner | Váš partner pre e-shop all-in-one |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.what_is_bigbuy | Čo je BigBuy? |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.what_is_bigbuy.subtitle | Sme spoločnosť s e-shopom all-in-one |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.about_us | O nás |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.about_us.subtitle | Zrýchlite svoj predaj online s pomocou BigBuy |
sk | landings | 1 | | Tím |
sk | landings | 1 | | Tajomstvom nášho úspechu sú ľudia |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.history | História |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.history.subtitle | Ako sme sa stali, kým sme |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.join_the_team | Pripoj sa k tímu |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.join_the_team.subtitle | Hľadáme úžasných ľudí ako si ty. Pridaj sa! |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.our_prizes | Naše ocenenia |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.awards.subtitle | Ocenenia, ktoré uznávajú našu prácu |
sk | landings | 1 | | Riešenia a technológia |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.for_dropshipping_and_wholesale_purchasing | Pre dropshipping a hromadný nákup |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.dropshipping_solution | Riešenia pre dropshipping a veľkoobchod |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.dropshipping_solution.subtitle | Predaj v elektronickom obchode, na trhoch, v sociálnych sieťach atď. |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.dropshipping_technology | Technológia pre dropshipping a veľkoobchod |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.dropshipping_technology.subtitle | Full-service dropshipping operations |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.synchronise_with_bigbuy | Synchronizujte sa s BigBuy |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.synchronise_with_bigbuy.subtitle | Vyberte si, ako chcete synchronizovať svoj obchod online |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.multi-channel_integration_platform | Viackanálová integračná platforma |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.multi-channel_integration_platform.subtitle | Cloudový softvér. Centralizujte správu trhovísk a e-shopu |
sk | landings | 2 | header.top_links.integration_ecommerce_marketplace | Integrácia e-commerce a trhov |
sk | landings | 2 | header.top_links.integration_ecommerce_marketplace.subtitle | Software e-commerce, trhov, sociálnych médií… +200 kanálov |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.api | API |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.api.subtitle | Pokročilá integračná technológia na pripojenie vášho obchodu online |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.for_brands_and_suppliers_with_stock | Pre značky a dodávateľov zásob |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.brands_solution | Riešenia pre značky a dodávateľov |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.brands_solution.subtitle | Výrobcovia, značky, veľkoobchodníci a nákupná skupina |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.brands_technology | Technológia pre značky a dodávateľov |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.brands_technology.subtitle | Full-service marketplace operations |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.dropshipping_wholesaler | Dropshippingový veľkoobchodník |
sk | landings | 1 | | Služby |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.dropshipping_service | Dropshippingová služba |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.brands_dropshipping_service.subtitle | Predávate a my sa postaráme o všetko ostatné |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.wholesale_selling | Veľkoobchod |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.wholesale_selling.subtitle | Tisíce produktov a popredných značiek za veľkoobchodné ceny |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.dropshipping_on_ecommerce | Dropshipping marketplace |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.dropshipping_on_ecommerce.subtitle | Everything You Need to Know About European Dropshipping |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.dropshipping_on_marketplaces | Dropshipping marketplace |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.dropshipping_on_marketplaces.subtitle | Conquer the Best European Marketplaces |
sk | landings | 2 | header.top_links.prices | Ceny |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.wholesaler_packs | Veľkoobchodné balenia |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.wholesaler_packs.subtitle | Porovnajte plány a vyberte si ten najlepší pre svoj obchod online |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.dropshipping_360_store | Obchod s 360º dropshippingom |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.prices_dropshipping_360_store.subtitle | Váš dropshippingový obchod synchronizovaný s BigBuy na kľúč |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.bigacademy | Academy |
sk | landings | 2 | header.top_links.b2b_catalogue | Katalóg |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.b2b_all_products | Všetky produkty |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.b2b_all_products.subtitle | Viac ako 400 000 veľkoobchodných odkazov |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.b2b_new_arrivals | Novinky |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.b2b_new_arrivals.subtitle | Najnovšie vydania za veľkoobchodnú cenu |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.b2b_top_sales | Najlepšie predaje |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.b2b_top_sales.subtitle | Produkty, ktoré majú najväčší úspech v predaji |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.winning_products | Víťazné produkty |
sk | landings | 1 | header.top_links.winning_products.subtitle | Víťazné produkty na zlepšenie konverzie vášho obchodu |
sk | messages | 1 | menu.header.general.right.startsesion | Prihlásiť sa |
sk | messages | 1 | menu.header.general.right.createaccount | Vytvoriť účet |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.general_conditions | Všeobecné Podmienky |
sk | landings | 1 | footer.bottom_links.cookies | Cookies |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.privacy_policy | Privacy policy |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.legal_notice | Legal notice |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.responsible_business | Sustainability, queries and complaints |
sk | messages | 1 | newsletter.title | Prihlásiť sa na odber noviniek! |
sk | messages | 1 | newsletter.enter_email | Zadajte svoju emailovú adresu |
sk | messages | 2 | newsletter.enter_valid_email | Zadajte platnú e-mailovú adresu |
sk | messages | 1 | newsletter.select_language | Vyberte si jazyk |
sk | messages | 2 | newsletter.error.must_choose_language | Musíte si vybrať jazyk |
sk | messages | 1 | | Katalóg bodov |
sk | messages | 1 | menu.footer.newsletter.sign_me_up | Prihlásiť ma |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.solutions_for | Riešenie pre |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.solutions_brands | Značky a dodávatelia so zásobami |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.solutions_dropshipping | Pre dropshipping a veľkoobchodný nákup |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.technology_for | Technológia a prevádzky pre |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.tecnology_brands | Značky a dodávatelia so zásobami |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.tecnology_dropshipping | Dropshipping a veľkoobchodný nákup |
sk | messages | 2 | footer.bottom_links.about_us | O nás |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.contact_us | Kontakt |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.become_supplier | Stať sa dodávateľom |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.what_bigbuy | Čo je BigBuy? |
sk | messages | 1 | | Tím |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.history | História |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.join_team | Pripojte sa k tímu |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.become_customer | Staňte sa zákazníkom |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.affiliates_programme | Pridružený program |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.media_kit | Súprava médií |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.dropshipping_wholesaler | Dropshippingový veľkoobchodník |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.synchronise_with_bigbuy | Synchronizujte sa s Big Buy |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.dropshipping_service | Dropshippingová služba |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.wholesale_selling | Veľkoobchodný predaj |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.all-in-one_supplier | All-in-one supplier |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.wholesaler_packs | Veľkoobchodné balenia |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.dropshipping_360_store | 360º Dropshippingový obchod |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.points_catalogue | Bodový katalóg |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.api | API |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.online_sales_channels | Online predajné kanály |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.multi-channel_integration_platform | Multi-channel Integration Platform |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.winning_products | Winning Products |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.marketing_resources | Marketingové zdroje |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.resources | Zdroje |
sk | messages | 1 | | Blog |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.faqs | FAQS |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.b2b_catalogue | B2B Katalóg |
sk | messages | 1 | footer.bottom_links.helpcenter | Centrum pomoci |
Fallback 0
These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.
No fallback translation messages were used.
Missing 52
These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.
Locale | Domain | Times used | Message ID | Message Preview |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | affiliates.html | affiliates.html |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | Social Selling | Social Selling |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 1 | | |
sk | messages | 2 | 2023 - Innovation in the company | 2023 - Innovation in the company |
sk | messages | 2 | 2023 - International Marketing - Finalist | 2023 - International Marketing - Finalist |
sk | messages | 2 | 2023 - Best Logistics and Internationalization | 2023 - Best Logistics and Internationalization |
sk | messages | 2 | 2023 - Best Scale Up - Finalist | 2023 - Best Scale Up - Finalist |
sk | messages | 2 | 2022 - Best Catalogue Solution | 2022 - Best Catalogue Solution |
sk | messages | 2 | 2022 - Best Logistics Solution | 2022 - Best Logistics Solution |
sk | messages | 2 | 2022 - Best Manager | 2022 - Best Manager |
sk | messages | 2 | 2022 - International | 2022 - International |
sk | messages | 2 | 2022 - Best Entrepreneurs | 2022 - Best Entrepreneurs |
sk | messages | 2 | 2021 - Best company | 2021 - Best company |
sk | messages | 2 | 2021 - Best Industry Service Provider | 2021 - Best Industry Service Provider |
sk | messages | 2 | 2021 - Best Business Practices | 2021 - Best Business Practices |
sk | messages | 2 | 2020 - Pyme del año | 2020 - Pyme del año |
sk | messages | 2 | 2018 - Finalist Job Creation | 2018 - Finalist Job Creation |
sk | messages | 2 | 2018 - Best Marketplace Technology | 2018 - Best Marketplace Technology |
sk | messages | 2 | 2017 - Best B2B E-Commerce | 2017 - Best B2B E-Commerce |
sk | messages | 2 | 2016 - Best International E-Commerce | 2016 - Best International E-Commerce |
sk | messages | 2 | 2016 - Best Innovative E-Commerce | 2016 - Best Innovative E-Commerce |
sk | messages | 2 | 2015 - Best Innovative E-Commerce | 2015 - Best Innovative E-Commerce |
sk | messages | 2 | 2015 - Best Cross Border | 2015 - Best Cross Border |